SEO Interview Questions and Answers

For Google and SEO experts, keywords are crucial because they give a good understanding of who consumers are and what they want, enabling businesses to match those demands.

What is the role of a keyword in SEO?

The rate at which a user may access the content on your website is known as page speed.

What is page speed 

An outbound link is any link on a website that directs users to another online page or website.

What is an outbound link

The frequency with which a keyword appears on a specific webpage is known as keyword density.

What is keyword density

Keyword proximity is the distance between two keywords on a web page.

What is keyword proximity

Organic results are those that appear on SERPs because they are pertinent. They are immune to the effects of commercial advertising.

What are the organic results?

Web robots (search engine robots) are given instructions on how to crawl pages on a website in a text file called robots.txt. It is employed to control website crawler traffic.

What is robots.txt?

Only the first 500 kibibytes (KiB) of the robots.txt file are read by Googlebot.

What is the limit of a robot.txt file?

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