Top Key Sales Skills and Techniques

1. Identifying Prospects

Practicing sales techniques and scripts is important, but researching the company and the representatives you’re going to speak with is essential.

2. Building Rapport

We all know that salesperson who seems to create connections no matter where they are or who they are talking to.

3. Identifying the Prospect’s Challenges and Qualifying Them

Before you attempt this sales technique, it’s important that you’ve already spent time researching the company.

4. Presenting Solutions

Once you’ve answered the most important questions and identified the challenges your prospect is facing, it’s time to present your services as a solution.

5. Knowing When to Say “No”

Sometimes, even though the prospect is interested, they’re not a good fit for the company.

6. Handling Objections

The best approach in this technique is handling the fire by taking away the match. In other words, address the issue before it becomes an issue.

7. Closing the Deal

This is the most exciting of the sales techniques and undoubtedly the best part of every sales rep’s day.

8. Maintaining the Relationship

After the prospect signs and becomes a client, maintaining your relationship with them is vital.

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